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This disclaimer applies to all persons who view this site. The following disclaimer applies to the Company’s placement document dated January 30, 2018 (the “Placement Document”) filed with the BSE Limited and the National Stock Exchange of India Limited in connection with the qualified institutions placement and you are therefore advised to read this disclaimer carefully before accessing the Placement Document. By accessing the Placement Document, you agree to be bound by the following restrictions, terms and conditions, including any modifications to them from time to time.
The Placement Document has been posted on the Company’s website for information purposes only in order to comply with Indian legal and regulatory requirements. Making the Placement Document available in electronic format on this website does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy securities in the Company in the United States or in any jurisdiction outside India
It is not intended that any offering of securities by ITD Cementation India Limited (the “Company”) would be made directly or indirectly, in or into, the United States.
The securities being referred to herein have not been, and will not be, registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “U.S. Securities Act”), and unless so registered, may not be offered or sold within the Unites States, except pursuant to an exemption from, or in a transaction not subject to, the registration requirements of the U.S. Securities Act and applicable state securities laws. Accordingly, the securities are being offered and sold only outside the United States in offshore transactions in reliance on Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act and the applicable laws of the jurisdictions where these offers and sales are made. The information and document contained behind these screens should not be viewed by any persons resident or physically located in the United States.
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The placement referred to herein is meant only for qualified institutional buyers (as defined in the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulation 2009, as amended) on a private placement basis and is not an offer to the public or to any other class of investors. The public cannot subscribe to the issue since it is a private placement.
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By clicking on “I Confirm”, you are further confirming that you are a qualified institutional buyer (as defined in the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue of Capital and Disclosure equirements) Regulation 2009, as amended) and you agree that the information contained herein is not an offer to the public or to any other class of investors.
The documentation contained in these pages is posted to comply with Indian legal and regulatory requirements. Making the information contained herein available in electronic format does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy securities in the Company in the United States or in any jurisdiction outside India. Further, it does not constitute a recommendation by the Company or any other party to sell or buy securities in the Company in the United States or in any jurisdiction outside India.
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